Wykład: Latvian political parties: functioning in hostile circumstances


Pracownia Polsko-Bałtyckich Kontaktów Kulturowych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego zaprasza na wykład z cyklu „Bałtowie dalecy i bliscy”. Gościem Pracowni będzie Profesor Jānis Ikstens, Prorektor Uniwersytetu Łotewskiego, który wygłosi wykład„Latvian political parties:  functioning in hostile circumstances”. 

Wykład odbędzie się 12 kwietnia 2018 roku, o godz. 17.00, sala nr 37, na Wydziale Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, przy ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, Warszawa. Wykład odbędzie się w języku angielskim.

Latvian political parties:  functioning in hostile circumstances

Political parties around the globe face a wide range of challenges today. Parties have to address issues from aging populations and domestic inequality to international migration and social consequences of technological advances. Moreover, political parties are changing organizationally and internally in order to adapt to the evolving environment, in which political competition takes places. In some countries, this environment can be characterized as hostile. Professor Jānis Ikstens will consider three faces of the hostility and analyze what consequences for contemporary Latvian political parties this hostility has caused.He will also elaborate how this hostility could affect the coming parliamentary elections in Latvia scheduled for October this year.

Jānis Ikstens is a Professor in Comparative Politics at the University of Latvia. He has previously been affiliated with the Vidzeme University Collegein Valmiera, Latvia where he gained both academic and administrative experience. His main research interests are related to parties and party systems in Eastern Europe, party and campaign finance as well as voting behaviour. His major publications include Public Finance and Post-Communist Party Development (2008, Ashgate) and Founding Elections in Latvia (2011, Nomos). He has worked as a private consultant for national and international clients. He has held several administrative positions in higher education.Currently Professor Ikstens performs the functions of Vice-rector of the University of Latvia.


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